Pyramid Athletics

Pyramid Athletics Cheer is a full-service cheer gym and member of the US All Star Federation (USASF). We provide both recreational and competitive programs in a safe and fun environment that is managed by certified, professional coaches, trainers and administrative staff.

As Pyramid Athletics enters its 2019-2020 season, we are pleased at our teams' results from this past season, and look forward to more fun and exciting competition. We are expanding our program to offer all levels, from Funda-mentals to Elite Level 5, and will begin including recovery techniques as part of athlete training as well.

Pyramid Athletics Cheer Development

Pyramid Athletics Recreational Cheer

(Recommended ages: 4 - 11 years old)

Pyramid Fundamentals is the first step for kids interested in all-star cheer. This group focuses on having fun, making friends, and being part of a 'team'. This is typically a child's first introduction to activities that serve as the foundation for be-coming a youth athlete.

The key to our success with this type of group is to introduce counts, and focus on coordinating counting with movement. For some 4 and 5 year-olds, it may be their first time alone in an organized group play situation. Our coaches are trained to ensure all kids are comfortable and safe.

Pyramid Athletics All Star Cheer

(Recommended ages: 5 - 11 years old)

Pyramid Novice is for athletes with some past cheer, dance or gymnastics experience. This group continues to build the athlete's development by focusing on skills in a low-pressure environment.

Athletes will learn how to work as a coordinated team, motions, jumps, beginning tumbling, and elementary stunts. Our Novice teams are a great introduction to all-star cheer, especially for children who have had some other basic athletic experience and would now like to try cheer.

(Recommended ages: 6 - 15 years old)

Our Pyramid Prep Group is a great option for athletes ready to move up into the competitive ranks of All-Star cheer, without the more serious time and financial commitment of an Elite team. If your child already has some cheer experience, possibly from a rec or youth program, school cheer team, or would be transferring from an-other All-Star program, the Prep Group might be perfect for them.

Athletes who are having difficultly developing past a tumbling plateau or who may not have the skills to move beyond limited tumbling, will find the Prep Group a more comfortable All-Star option. This is also a great choice for athletes needing to work on certain specific skills before moving up to an Elite team. We offer a number of tumbling & stunting training options to augment our Prep Group practices.

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